On the left side you can find hottest singles of hip hop music.
On the right side you can see 2 additional pages: Charts and Singles Archive. In Charts you can see weekly charts of hip hop music and in Singles archive you can find songs which I removed from "Released Today" and "Recently Released"

From today (1/6/2011) on the right side we have new released videos from hip hop world.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Best Video of

These are best rap and best hip hop video of 2000.

Best Rap:

Best Hip Hop:


  1. Awesome video, and that song is just imense ;D

  2. oooooh yeh i remember the Dre vid comin out and seeing eminem rappin in a magazine all like wtf how do they dooo that?!?!

  3. the thong song didnt have many thongs in it.. i wonder y

  4. 3:15 in the Thong Song makes no sense. What were they thinking?

  5. Eminem is probably my favorite international rapper.
