On the left side you can find hottest singles of hip hop music.
On the right side you can see 2 additional pages: Charts and Singles Archive. In Charts you can see weekly charts of hip hop music and in Singles archive you can find songs which I removed from "Released Today" and "Recently Released"

From today (1/6/2011) on the right side we have new released videos from hip hop world.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Night update


  1. This song is bumpin'

    beat is soooo dope.

  2. Hate Eminem and Lil Wayne although I liked Waynes contribution here.....

  3. Lol that kid at 1:18 looks like McLovin >_<

  4. Ha, I just emailed this video to a friend the other day.. Great song, great video!!!

  5. Nice post

    Check me out


  6. I thought the song over all was decent. I like the theme of the video though.

  7. I fucking hate the music industry now. There is no originality from anyone. The only way to get a hit song, which isn't hard, is to remix a song and get a few vocals over it. I refuse to listen to anything from the past 5 years till now.

  8. Marduk;
    I go back a bit further. Since grunge there hasn't been a good musical movement, although indie shows some promise of breaking away from the music-video driven music done by pretty packages with no talent. I do, however, make an exception to hip hop (some of it--not the super hardcore stuff, the more pop stuff) because I dance to it. If I can't sing or dance to a song, it has no use for me. I have put this blog on my blog list because I like to stay up on potential music I can do my hip hop dance to. When I do 1-2 hours a day of it, I get real sick of hearing the same stuff over and over again, so I'm thrilled to find a place that helps me find new stuff.

  9. I love this song, this and Not Afraid... love em

  10. good stuff, lil waynes alright in this track
