On the left side you can find hottest singles of hip hop music.
On the right side you can see 2 additional pages: Charts and Singles Archive. In Charts you can see weekly charts of hip hop music and in Singles archive you can find songs which I removed from "Released Today" and "Recently Released"

From today (1/6/2011) on the right side we have new released videos from hip hop world.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Chiddy Bang is an American alternative hip hop band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The group consists of Chidera "Chiddy" Anamege and Noah "Xaphoon Jones" Beresin. Both are 20 and met at Drexel University, in their hometown of Philadelphia, PA. Their sound is based on the fusion of hip hop and unique sample choices from alternative leaning artists such as Radiohead, Sufjan Stevens, Passion Pit, and MGMT.


  1. They use really good samples. I can hear the Pogo's expialodosious sampled in this song :D

  2. That was great! Never heard of them before.. I'm sure going to go "buy" this album now!

  3. just recently got into them. their works are pretty tight.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Cool sounds. Like the cover art.

  6. Definitely some tight samples in there!
